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About Kassia Gardner

Whether it’s on paper or on a computer screen, putting down those first words can be daunting. That’s why businesses hire me.

I provide businesses, such as yours, with words to help you make sales. I do all the legwork, including research on your service/product, competitors, themes, etc, before writing copy that fits your brand, business objectives and target markets.

My role: Copywriting expert
The client’s role: Key collaborator and contributor

Together, we build copy that you can use to promote your business, gain new customers and keep existing customers coming back.

A Quick FAQ

What’s your game? What do you do?
In simple terms I write copy for businesses, but it’s so much more than that, it’s about using words to help businesses build relationships and make sales.

I really enjoy helping businesses use words and share informative content as a way of converting prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers.

Why do you do it? Do you love it, or do you just have one of those creepy knacks?
It’s just one of those things I love doing. I love to read and I enjoy writing. Thankfully my career choices have lead me down this path.

I have 15+ years of experience in marketing and copywriting, internal and external, for large businesses and sole traders, in manufacturing, retail, b2b, public sector and professional services. I’ve launched brands, planned and implemented marketing campaigns and made coffee for the rest of the team.

I’ve wrote copy for websites, brochures, catalogues, direct mail, emails and web articles to name just a few. As a copywriter I bring, and share, all this knowledge and expertise with my clients.

But the biggest kick, and perhaps the real reason I do this, is seeing my clients succeed.

Who are your customers? What kind of people would need or want what you offer?
I have all sorts of customers from sole traders and medium-sized businesses to marketing agencies looking to outsource and graphic or web designers looking for a partner to work with. The one thing they all have in common is that they are pushed for time. Sometimes it’s a one off project to meet deadlines, for others it’s about achieving a better work-life balance rather than spending their evenings in front of a blank computer screen.

Anything else I should know?
I’m a bit geeky; I love gadgets and sci-fi. I also make a great Toad in the Hole and then spend a lot of time running it off.

I also have a personal blog called The Daily Dash. It’s mainly a running blog but be prepared for anything!

Interested in working with me?

To help me process your enquiry quickly, please complete the form below:

Copywriting services: I will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Questions: Is there an issue or topic you would like to know more about?
Comments: I appreciate your views.

Thanks very much.

    Your Subject

    The spindle tree, latin name: Euonymus europaeus, is one of our loveliest woodland shrubs. In myth and legend the spindle tree is said to symbolise creative inspiration and wisdom. Its wood was traditionally used for making spindles for spinning wheels.

    What is a Copywriter?

    According to BusinessDictionary.com, a copywriter is a professional who composes headings, sub-headings, and body copy for advertisements, brochures, catalogues, direct mail, product literature, websites, emails, eNewletters, blog posts, company profiles, press releases and sales letters.

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